Witch Doctor Designs treats the privacy and security of our customers and website visitors very seriously. We will not use or share your information in any way other than specified in this policy nor we will sell your information to any other party.
Witch Doctor Designs collects names, job titles, addresses, e-mail addresses and payment details for our customers when you complete an online transaction, fill out a contact form or submit your e-mail address to join our mailing list at This data is used in order to process sales, maintain accounting records, improve our products and relay important messages to our customers or followers in the future. uses to collect visitor data and analyze traffic on our website. This information helps us understand customer interests and improve our website. When you visit our website, the pages that you look at, and a short text file called a cookie, are downloaded to your computer.
A cookie is used to store small amounts of information. This information is collected for traffic analysis only. The cookie does not contain personal details. Depending on the browser that you use, you can set your preferences to block/refuse cookies, and/or notify you before they are placed. Cookies are not harmful and cannot introduce viruses or extract personal contact information. For more details regarding how this data is managed and analyzed by Wix Analytics, please refer to
Security of your information is our highest priority. We use rigorous procedures that are continuously reviewed and updated in order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of company or client data. Our security protocol includes physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure any information we collect in the course of doing business with you. That information is stored on computers that are protected by Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware systems or with software providers of cloud-based systems that have intensive protocols in place to protect internet security and private data, such as Google, Microsoft, Square and Wix. Please refer to the privacy policies of these providers for more details on how they protect data on their networks. Witch Doctor Designs shall not be held liable for any lapse or incident involving a data breach of personal or credit information stored on a third-party network.
The acceptor of this policy agrees to allow Witch Doctor Designs to collect personal information about the acceptor pursuant to these terms.